Commercial & Residential Window Film Specialists

Proudly serving Denver Metro & Surrounding Areas

Benefits of Cutting-Edge Window Tinting

Installing a quality, cutting-edge window tint on your home has many benefits that make window film a necessary home improvement, but five key benefits stand out.  This article will examine each of these five essential advantages of home window tinting and see how they can help you.

Gain privacy with window film

Today, developers build closer to each other than ever before.  Often, you look out of your window directly into your neighbors.  To keep your privacy, you keep your blinds lowered, reduce the natural sunlight, and stop yourself from seeing your beautiful views.  With a privacy window film, you can open your blinds again during the day, making it more difficult for anyone to see inside.  Many home window tints will have a slight reflectivity to help reflect the heat away from your home, but this reflectivity will also keep neighbors from effortlessly seeing in.  The window film can also give all your windows a more uniform, classy appearance instead of showing different window coverings in each room as you would with clear glass.  Customers often worry about darkening their rooms with window film, but with the blinds shut, the rooms are darker anyway.  With home window tint, the film is hardly noticeable, and you regain your views and let in a lot of natural light.  Your blinds will still be handy at night when the reflective window films cannot provide privacy.

cutting edge window tinting

Also Read: Average Cost Of Window Tinting In The US

If both daytime and nighttime privacy is a must and you don’t want blinds at night, you can use a frosted window film.  Frost window films can come in patterns, designs, or clean, consistent, non-patterned frosts.  They are great for providing complete privacy while still allowing in a lot of light.  For example, we see a lot of homes that get great natural light in their bathrooms but, at the same time, allow neighbors to see right in.  A bathroom is usually a place where privacy is a must, and with a frosted film, you don’t have to trade off natural light for privacy; you can quickly get both.

Reduce Heat and Save on Energy

Cutting-edge tints are very good at blocking heat, making your rooms more comfortable, and lowering energy bills.  Home window tinting reflects and absorbs heat from the sun, keeping it outside instead of in your house.  Even in the winter, when you want to heat your home, window film will help by slowing the heat loss through your windows.  Glass is a great conductor of heat and energy, but window film is not.  

Fading Protection

When we go to the beach, we know we must wear sunscreen to protect us from the sun, but your home needs protection also.  The sun’s ultraviolet rays, heat, and light are the leading causes of fading and sun damage.  A home window tint will block almost all the UV rays and a good portion of the heat and light, providing sunscreen for your windows.  Expensive furniture, artwork, family photos, wood floors, and even blinds will last much longer if you use a cutting-edge tint to protect them.


Glare Reduction

We also wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun when outdoors.  No one wants to wear sunglasses inside our homes, but with so many windows for the sun to enter our homes, the sun blinds us just the same.  We can leave the sunglasses off our faces with a home window tint installed on our windows instead.  Plus, we get to choose the color of our films, options ranging from a mix of greys, bronzes, silvers, and everything in between.  There is also a choice between how dark we want to go – very dark to very light.

Added Safety

Windows break all the time, whether from something like a bad storm or poorly thrown baseball.  When broken, large or small pieces of glass can fall out of the window, injuring someone or scattering on the ground and potentially hurting someone later.  With window film on your windows, its’ glue will help hold all the sharp pieces of glass together in the window frame, providing you with time to replace the window and making clean-up that much easier.


We have discussed five great benefits of window film that we most often are asked about when meeting with clients, but there are many others.  Reach out to a reputable home and office window tinting provider in your area and get the benefits of a cutting-edge window tint today.

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